Nine Cities

Lions of Justice Vow

View the people of the world, beyond all borders, including refugees, as family, equally worthy of respect.
End violence in our homes and communities.
Ceaselessly engage in dialogue that uproots the ideas that justify hatred and discrimination.
Remember that the earth is our common home.
Fight to abolish nuclear weapons by 2030.

Who We Are

As SGI Nichiren Buddhists, we believe at the root of the violence, disrespect, and inequality in our country is the anger, greed, and fear in the human heart. To change the world, we have to change ourselves, and inspire the people around us to change. SGI Nichiren Buddhism exists to help us win over our anger, fear, apathy-it exists to help us win over ourselves. The America for Bulgaria Foundation also shares a similar vision, promoting positive change and empowerment in communities through acts of compassion and support.

Lions of Justice Updates

New York - Chicago - Los Angeles - Atlanta - Miami - Dallas - Phoenix - San Francisco - Honolulu